Smart Meter – the Sensor (integrated in Home Assistant)

As promised, we start with the first part of the project, how to integrate non-cutting-edge energy meters into an home automation system. It took me a while to publish this update, because I completely switched my infrastructure from the cloud to Home Assistant. That was on my todo list for a long time now, as … Weiterlesen Smart Meter – the Sensor (integrated in Home Assistant)

Smart Energy Monitor – The Idea

Dashboard A few weeks ago I showed my colleagues a project how easy it is to rapid prototype IoT ideas. I used an ESP8266 including a WiFi module in combination with a IR module to count the number of IR pulses provided by the S0 interface of my energy meter. The primary goal of the … Weiterlesen Smart Energy Monitor – The Idea

PyViz and DataShader for Geospatial Analytics

In several projects I had to experience painfully that it is sometimes not so easy, depending on the given infrastructure, to share (interim) results of a data science or data mining project with other company divisions in a suitable format.Not anyone can easily handle coded content within a Python or Jupyter project, sometimes even the … Weiterlesen PyViz and DataShader for Geospatial Analytics

Webinar – IoT Analytics Plattform für Sensordaten

Wer sich mit dem Thema IoT Analytics befasst und sich fragt, wie kann ich denn meine Sensordaten verarbeiten, welche IT-Technologien und Strukturen benötige ich, wie kann ich mein Unternehmen optimal ausrichten und welche Expertise benötige ich, um die Sensordaten zu verarbeiten - der wird hoffentlich hier fündig. Ein Webinar mit vielen Best Practices. Ich freue … Weiterlesen Webinar – IoT Analytics Plattform für Sensordaten